how to use comma - separated ids as a parameter in Store Procedure - MSSQL
According to my knowledge if we wish to use comma separated ids in store procedure we need to make a function IdsToTable - which will take ids as a string parameter and return table, this table we can use in IN( ) statement of SQL.
Use Northwind Go -- @IDs is the string of comma delimited integers -- (you can increase the size if you think that your array will be very large) -- After parsings the string, integers are returned in a table CREATE Function fnSplitter (@IDs Varchar(100) ) Returns @Tbl_IDs Table (ID Int) As Begin -- Append comma Set @IDs = @IDs + ',' -- Indexes to keep the position of searching Declare @Pos1 Int Declare @pos2 Int -- Start from first character Set @Pos1=1 Set @Pos2=1 While @Pos1<Len(@IDs) Begin Set @Pos1 = CharIndex(',',@IDs,@Pos1) Insert @Tbl_IDs Select Cast(Substring(@IDs,@Pos2,@Pos1-@Pos2) As Int) -- Go to next non comma character Set @Pos2=@Pos1+1 -- Search from the next charcater Set @Pos1 = @Pos1+1 End Return End
--Now we can use it in our stored procedure Use Northwind Go CREATE PROCEDURE spSelectEmployees(@IDs Varchar(100)) AS Select * From employees Where employeeid In (Select ID From fnSplitter(@IDs)) GO
Use Northwind Exec spSelectEmployees '1,4,5,7,9'
It is essential that your string has a number at start, otherwise the missing value will be evaluated to zero by the parser, for example ,1,3,5 will be output to 0 1 3 5. Spaces are allowed in the string for example 1 , 3 , 5 will result in 1 3 5 .
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you might be more interested in MSSQL, StoreProcedure, TIPS & TRICKS
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