Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Advantages of Being a Freelance Web Designer And Developer

As a Freelance Web Designer, you can work on new projects that challenge your creativity. You don't have to work on the same type of websites all the time. A great advantage of working as a Freelance Web Developer is that you can challenge yourself all the time by taking different types of projects. This would not only make your job adventurous but would also help in the learning process.

  • Write off the expenses : While working as a freelancer, you can actually write off your expenses like furniture, software, computers, etc. This depends on how you file your taxes. Take advice from your tax specialist.

  • No dress code: If you are comfortable working while wearing your shorts, you have all the right to work while wearing them. You can wear you pyjamas all day and work on your bed; it is entirely your will.

  • You are the boss: A great thing about being a Freelance Web Developer is that you do not have to worry about unreasonable expectations from managers and team leaders. When you are working as a freelance web develop, you are you own boss, you decide the deadlines, you decide the prices and you pick up your clients.

  • Work according to your will: Working in an office comes with a strict time schedule. If the office timings are from 9am to 5pm, you have to be in the office at 9am and work at least till 5pm. While you are working as a freelancer, there is no such restriction. You can work whenever you feel like. This essentially means that you can work as a Freelance Web Developer after coming home from your day job. You can also work for clients located in other time zones. The flexibility in work timings is also an advantage when you have to take care of your family, as the case with mothers.Work from wherever you wish to: The only thing you need to work is internet access and a laptop, which gives you the freedom of setting up your office literally anywhere. Most freelance developers prefer to work from home, while other like to venture out to the local coffee shop or library and set up their office there. If you have to meet a client, you can do so at their office or the coffee shop.

Freedom is the biggest advantage of all. Many designers also choose to go freelance because they get the right to showcase their creativity to full extent.

Hope you have enjoyed to read this post,
let me know if you have more suitable suggestions.

you might be more interested in Freelance Web DesignerFREELANCE WEB DEVELOPERFind FreelancerFreelance Projects, Freelance Website Developer

Good Day [/ Night] ! Happy Google + ing !



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